Mailing Lists

At, we offer mailing lists using Mailman 3, the current version of the easy and flexible GNU Mailing List Manager.

Who's eligible for the offer?

Anyone who needs a mailing list

We prefer discussion lists to announcement lists, don't accept any marketing lists and require that every subscriber is only included at their express request, confirmed by double opt-in.

We reserve the right to reject requests without explanation and to discontinue your list at any time.

What do you get?

A mailing list (or several) free of charge, but without any guarantee, express or implied, for proper operation, delivery of e-mails, further continuation of the service or anythin else.

We offer this service to the best of our ability - as we use it ourselves -, but at the end of the day it's a hobby project, not a commercial service. We do host some lists for more than a decade without significant issues, so there's that.

How do I get that mailing list?

Please drop us a mail at (in English or German) and tell us

It helps if one can find you or your project on the net.

More information

Please see our page at

If you have any further questions, please feel free to send us a mail.